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Life Changes and Our Upcoming Anthology..

First, the big news, my wife and collaborator Helen just got hired on by the county...

She will be working in the same building as me and sharing the long commute. With her being hired, we are now looking towards possibly moving again and are already doing some packing here and there. Plus she is still taking a couple of intense college courses. This leaves both of us less time to write, especially in her case.

So what about the anthology we were planning to release on the 12th Night of Christmas? Is it still coming?

The answer is a resounding YES! Thanks to our tendency to look ahead, we already had the anthology 95% finished with only 2 stories incomplete. Because of our new schedules and the prospect of another move in the near future, we've decided to drop those incomplete stories from this release and will include them in the next anthology. This still leaves us with a total of 23 stories for the book, six of which are brand new! The remaining stories are from our other site "The Vampyre Blogs - Private Edition" (link: which has been growing over the last 4 years. The tales borrowed from that blog are hard to reach since most of them came at the very beginning, and one would have to scroll through an awful lot of pages. Furthermore, all the stories on that site are rough 1st drafts. They have since been properly edited and updated for the anthology and they will take you from the northern regions of Alaska where the Northern Lights await...

To the Civil War battlegrounds of Marye's Heights in Fredericksburg Virginia...

To the unsettling barracks of Auschwitz...

And finally to the grounds of a most unusual traveling carnival...

We are currently lining up Beta-Readers for feedback and to spot any problems with the collection. We will be posting further updates and perhaps one or two more glimpses into the anthology in the coming weeks so stay tuned.

And as with the previous novels, this collection will be available in Trade Paperback (signed if you wish), Kindle, Nook, Apple, Sony, PDF and all other e-book formats. You will also have the opportunity to pre-order a copy for yourself or someone else soon to keep visiting this site for updates.

Until next time, thank you all again for all your support and may the approaching holiday season bring you many smiles and fond memories.
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